The benefits of IV therapy

  • April 21, 2023
benefits of IV therapy bali

The benefits of IV therapy

benefits of IV therapy

7 Surprising Benefits of IV Therapy for Health & Wellness

  • Promoting faster weight loss.
  • Curing hangover symptoms.
  • Treating certain nutrient deficiencies.
  • Cleansing your body of toxins and free radicals.
  • Increasing your energy levels.
  • Promoting better cardiovascular health.
  • Easing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

If you’re like most, you’ve probably taken a multivitamin or supplement every day for as long as you can remember. But what you may not know is that your body only absorbs about half of the nutrients your supplement contains.

Roughly 92% of Americans have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Do you feel tired all the time? Do you find it hard to concentrate at work? If you answered yes, your body may be depleted of the vitamins and minerals it needs to perform at its best. IV infusion therapy is the only way to fulfill your body to healthy nutrient levels with a 100% absorption rate.

At Analgesia Clinic, Nusa Dua, located on Bali island, we provide IV infusion therapy to give our patients a variety of health benefits in just one treatment. Whether you’re looking to give your immune system a boost, reap beauty benefits or supercharge your energy levels, we have a drip for you.

benefits of IV therapy

Strengthen your immune system

With the corona virus pandemic, a strong immune system is important now more than ever. Getting an IV drip is the perfect prevention measure to give your immune system the extra boost it needs to keep you in good health. In just one treatment, your body is nourished with a baseline of healthy fluids that help get rid of toxins.

Packed with vitamin C, nutritional IV therapy supports healthy muscles, bones, and blood vessels. If you do feel a cold coming on, nutritional IV therapy can help it from getting worse and shorten the amount of time you’re sick.

If you’re like most, you probably can’t afford to put your life on hold and be out of work for a week. IV drips are a cost-effective way to avoid expensive hospital bills and time off work.

Get beautiful hair, skin, and nails

Celebrities like Chrissy Teigan and Gwyneth Paltrow have added IV therapy to their beauty and health regimen. That’s because this treatment can give you a beauty boost that no product or diet can provide. But what exactly is the secret?

Nutritional IVs are packed with high amounts of vitamin B7, also known as Biotin. This vitamin works to strengthen and encourage radiant hair, skin, and nails. It also improves thyroid function, which is directly connected to sleep, hunger, and energy. When your thyroid isn’t functioning its best, it can lead to weight fluctuation and mood swings.

Most of our drips are packed with vitamin C, which helps promote the production of collagen. Collagen is known for its anti-aging properties, which can lessen the appearance of wrinkles and improve the elasticity of your skin.

Supercharge your energy levels

Between work, your family, and housework, it can be hard to find any sliver of energy left  — unless nutritional IV therapy is part of your health regimen. We have IV drips packed with vitamin B, vitamin B12, and magnesium to give you the energy boost you need. No need to wait for days to see results, most patients experience peak energy levels and a mood boost immediately following treatment.

Unlike caffeine, you won’t experience an overwhelming buzz or a crash. The boost you get from a drip is much more collected and composed, which allows you to conquer the work week with a sense of enthusiasm and clarity. You may even experience heightened energy levels for a week following treatment.

Reach peak athletic performance

benefits of IV therapyYou can train and diet all you want, but sometimes you need an extra push to perform your best. Marathon runners and athletes have been using nutritional IV therapy to help replenish their bodies after workouts and train harder.

Vitamin C and glutathione are found in several of our drips, which help reduce muscle inflammation from intense workouts. Not to mention, the energy boost found in IV therapies will help you feel more ambitious at the gym or on the track.

Give your body the attention it deserves, and experience the endless benefits of IV infusion therapy. Contact us to schedule your IV infusion therapy today.


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