Bali Phyisotherapist ftr. Patra

Analgesia Clinic Bali Dr. Partha

Bali Physiotherapist Dr. Patra Kinandana

Bali Physiotherapist
Welcome to Analgesia Clinic – Our physiotherapist, or physical therapist ftr. Patra Kinandana, works with patients to help them manage pain, balance, mobility, and motor function.

Bali Therapist ftr. Patra Kinandana is a highly-educated healthcare professional focusing on both the management and prevention of pain, injury, disability and impairment.

Bali PhysiotherapistTreatment from a physiotherapist improve and maintain your movement independence and physical performance, promote injury prevention and overall health and wellness, and ultimately, improve your quality of life.

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.

It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care.

Most people at some point in their lifetime will work with a physiotherapist. You may have been referred to one after a car accident, after surgery, or to address low back pain.

There are basically 3 types of physio-therapeutic treatments:

  • Sports Physiotherapy. Sports physiotherapy is a special branch of physiotherapy that deals with sports professionals and athletes
  • Rehabilitation and Pain Management
  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

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