Child Care Specialist
Our Pediatrician practitioner is also available for home visits

Pain Specialist
Pain Management
Our pain management practitioner is also available for home visits

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Bali Intravenous (IV) Therapy Feel better instantly, because vitamins and electrolytes are processed faster when delivered through IV fluids. Our…
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Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) at Analgesia Clinic is provided by our Specialist dr. Gung Semara Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) uses…
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Discover the Power of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) for Pain Management The Power of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy reliefes pain –…
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From Jordan To Relief: A Triumph Over Pain with Analgesia Pain Clinic Imagine enduring relentless lower back pain for an agonizing year.…
Pain Relief Therapy is a physical therapy (such as heat or cold packs, massage, hydrotherapy and exercise). Other methods are drugs or other methods of reducing or getting rid of pain.
In addition to keeping you comfortable, pain control can help speed your recovery and may reduce your risk of developing certain complications after surgery, such as pneumonia and blood clots.
Modern pain medications and anesthesia can control post-surgical pain and help your body heal.
When you take a pain reliever like ibuprofen, it keeps injured or damaged cells from making and releasing prostaglandin. When the cells don’t release this chemical, it means that the brain won’t get the pain message as quickly or clearly.
Pain Relief Treatments start working within the hour and last for around five hours. Though paracetamol is safe for most people, your doctor may advise against using it if you have another health issue. If you have problems such as lower back pain, or osteoarthritis, taking paracetamol alone may not be the most effective treatment.
Therapeutic exercise has great potential to reduce pain and improve muscular strength, balance, and range of motion in individuals with osteoarthritis. Resistance training and endurance training are especially beneficial for pain and balance with osteoarthritis in large joints such as the knee.
Physical Manipulation describes any of a number of specialized manual or mechanical procedures used in an effort to affect the alignment, motion or function of spinal joints and their relationship with the muscular and nervous system. The procedures make up the mainstay of Chiropractic, massage, and physical therapy.
There are many definitions of manipulation, but the overall consensus is that it is a manual physical therapy technique in which a passive movement is applied to a joint with small amplitude and in a quick fashion. This is also known as high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust manipulation.
IV therapy delivers water, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins at a controlled rate. The procedure typically lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. That said, the procedure can be done more quickly or even take longer, depending on why you are undergoing the IV therapy.
For instance, if you’re receiving IV therapy for hydration or to cure a hangover, you can expect results anywhere from 45 minutes to four hours after treatment. If your purpose is to boost your energy levels, the effects of IV infusion therapy can be noticed within four days to two weeks after treatment.
IV therapy works by using an injection with a syringe or via infusion, often referred to as a drip. IV therapy is the fastest way to deliver medications, blood products and more into the bloodstream to help with various health conditions, dehydration and blood transfusions.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints.
In this way, PRP injections use each individual patient’s own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.
Studies show that the increased concentration of growth factors in platelet-rich plasma may stimulate or speed up the healing process, shortening healing time for injuries, decreasing pain and even encouraging hair growth.
Platelet-rich plasma lasts anywhere from six and nine months, during which time it will continue to aid in healing the soft-tissue injury.
Who needs platelet-rich plasma?
Orthopedic surgeons use PRP to help athletes recover more quickly after an injury. In dermatology, PRP is being tested as a possible treatment for hair loss. PRP may also speed up wound healing. A few dermatologists are using PRP to give patients younger-looking skin.
How many times PRP is effective?
Most often, patients undergo a series of about 3 – 6 PRP treatments in their initial round of therapy. After this, patients may continue to enjoy fuller, healthier, denser hair for up to 1 – 5 years.
Home care is care that allows a person with special needs to stay in their home. It might be for people who are getting older (aging in place). It could also be for people who are chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or have a disability.
In-home services allow adults to receive day-to-day help with the personal care they need, preserving their dignity and maintaining a good quality of life. Assistance with activities of daily living can include bathing, grooming, and medication reminders.
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